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Who is the Egyptian god Ra?

The Egyptian god Ra was god of the Sun, and one of the oldest deities, being creator of all the other gods and humans.

Why did ancient Egyptians worship Ra?

The ancient Egyptians worshipped the god Ra. Ra was the falcon-headed god of the sun, and every day he would travel across the sky with the sun in his boat. When the sun went down at night, it was because Ra was traveling through the underworld, shining light on the dead as he made his way back to the east to start a new day.

What did Ra mean in ancient Egypt?

In ancient Egyptian, Ra’s name simply meant “sun.” As with many mythologies, Egyptian gods had a multiplicity of names. Ra had many other names, and was sometimes called Re, Amun-Re, Khepri, Ra-Horakhty, and Atum. Each of these names was typically associated with a different aspect of Ra’s being. Did Ra have a secret name?

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